91 posts in total.
[Translation] Exploiting System Mechanic Driver Part 2 [하루한줄] CVE-2021-26413: Windows Installer Signature Spoofing 취약점 [하루한줄] CVE-2020-36167: OpenSSL Backup Exec Service 권한상승 [Translation] Exploiting System Mechanic Driver Part 1 [하루한줄] CVE-2021-28316: Windows workstation FDE bypass and EOP [Research] Pwn하고 Cool하고 Sexy한 Windows 탐방기 Part 4 - HITCON 2019 dadadb [하루한줄] CVE-2021-28310: Desktop Window Manager out-of-bound write 취약점 [하루한줄] Windows SCM Remote Access Check Limit Bypass EoP [하루한줄] CVE-2021-24086: Windows IPv6 denial of service vulnerability [하루한줄] CVE-2021-26863: race condition을 통한 win32k 커널 UAF 취약점